Data Schemas
Common Measures
Measures are quantitative properties about an entity that are most commonly retrieved on a current or historical time series basis. The following table displays all measures in our data model.
Not all measures apply to all assets. We document this in the “Availability” column:
- “All tokens” refers to tokenized assets which conform to a common token standard. Examples of these standards include ERC-{20, 721, 1155}, NEP-141, SPL, TRC-20, and others. Exceptions to this are for tokens on Sui, Noble, and Stellar.
ID | Name | Definition | Availability |
1 | Yield to Maturity | The total return anticipated on a bond if it is held until maturity. YTM is expressed as an annual percentage rate (i.e., yield). | Only credit assets or funds of credit assets |
2 | Total Asset Value (Dollar) | The total value of an entity’s assets minus liabilities | All |
3 | Net Asset Value (Dollar) | The total value of an entity’s assets minus its liabilities, on a per-share/token basis. | All |
4 | Total Supply (Token) | The total number or amount of a particular token that is available and in circulation. | All tokens |
5 | Weighted Average Maturity | The average time it takes for securities or loans in a portfolio to mature, weighted in proportion to the dollar amount of each loan or security. | Only credit assets or funds of credit assets |
6 | Available Capacity (Dollar) | Capacity amount available for investment. | Only private credit assets |
7 | Maximum Capacity (Dollar) | Maximum size of the investment pool. | Only private credit assets |
8 | Outstanding Capital (Dollar) | Outstanding Principal amount. | Only private credit assets |
9 | Idle Capital (Dollar) | Capital amount that has yet to be invested. | Only private credit assets |
10 | Cumulative Issued Amount (Dollar) | total amount issued in the deal, pool or tranche. | Only private credit assets |
11 | Cash Drag (Percent) | Percentage of idle capital per asset. | Only private credit assets |
12 | Defaulted Loans Amount (percent) | Sum of the value of loans that are in default. A loan is counted as defaulted if: (a) it is marked as so by the protocol or (b) if a repayment is late over 90 days past the due date. | Only private credit assets |
13 | Daily Transfer Volume (Token) | The total volume of transfers (excluding mints and burns). | All tokens |
14 | Daily Active Addresses (Count) | Daily Active Addresses (DAA). | All tokens |
15 | Holding Addresses (Count) | Count of addresses holding an asset. | All tokens |
16 | Daily Mints (Token) | Daily mints of an asset in token denomination. | All tokens |
17 | Daily Burns (Token) | Daily burns of an asset in token denomination. | All tokens |
18 | Daily Mints (Dollar) | Daily mints of an asset in dollar denomination. | All tokens |
19 | Daily Burns (Dollar) | Daily burns of an asset in dollar denomination. | All tokens |
20 | Daily Transfer Volume (Dollar) | The total volume of transfers (excluding mints and burns). | All tokens |
21 | Funded Assets (Token) | Total funded asset token amount for loan asset | Only private credit assets |
22 | DrawnDown Assets (Token) | Total funds withdrawn token amount for loan asset | Only private credit assets |
23 | Principal Paid (Token) | Total principal repaid token amount for loan asset | Only private credit assets |
24 | Interest Paid (Token) | Total interest paid token amount by borrower/loan to lender | Only private credit assets |
25 | Written Off Principal (Token) | Total written off principal token amount for a defaulted loan asset | Only private credit assets |
26 | Recovered Assets (Token) | Total recovered token amount for a liquidated loan asset | Only private credit assets |
28 | Idle Capital (Token) | Capital amount in tokens that has yet to be invested | Only private credit assets |
29 | Available Capacity (Token) | Capacity amount in tokens available for investment | Only private credit assets |
30 | Total Asset Value (Token) | The total value of an entity’s assets minus liabilities, in tokens | Only private credit assets |
31 | Cumulative Issued Amount (Token) | total amount issued in the deal, pool or tranche in tokens | Only private credit assets |
32 | Cumulative Repaid Principal (Token) | total principal paid back in the deal, pool or tranche in tokens | Only private credit assets |
33 | Cumulative Interest Earned (Token) | Total interest earned in the deal, pool or tranche in tokens | Only private credit assets |
34 | Outstanding Principal (Token) | Total outstanding principal amount in tokens | Only private credit assets |
35 | Number of Loans Funded | Total number of loans being funded by a pool over lifetime | Only private credit assets |
36 | Number of Active Loans | Total number of loans currently active that are funded by the pool | Only private credit assets |
37 | Number of Defaulted Loans | Total number of loans marked as defaulted/liquidated that were funded by the pool | Only private credit assets |
38 | Defaulted Loans Amount (Dollar) | Total loan value amount of all the defaulted loans in Dollars that were funded by the pool | Only private credit assets |
39 | Price (Dollar) | The market price of a share/token | Only for assets that are actively traded on a secondary market. Many other measures are downstream of this; their availability will be indicated with “All assets with prices” |
40 | Market Value (Dollar) | Also known as ‘Market Capitalization’. The total market value of an asset, calculated as the product of a share’s market price and number of shares | All assets with prices |
41 | Net Asset Value (Token) | The total value of an entity’s assets minus its liabilities, on a per-share basis. | Only private credit assets |
42 | Weekly Active Addresses (Count) | Weekly Active Addresses. | All tokens |
43 | Monthly Active Addresses (Count) | Monthly Active Addresses. | All tokens |
44 | Quarterly Active Addresses (Count) | Quarterly Active Addresses. | All tokens |
45 | Annually Active Addresses (Count) | Annually Active Addresses. | All tokens |
46 | Number of Daily Transactions (Count) | Daily Transactions (mints, burns and transfers). | All tokens |
47 | Funded Assets (Dollar) | Total funded asset token amount for loan asset | Only private credit assets |
48 | DrawnDown Assets (Dollar) | Total funds withdrawn token amount for loan asset | Only private credit assets |
49 | Principal Paid (Dollar) | Total principal repaid token amount for loan asset | Only private credit assets |
50 | Interest Paid (Dollar) | Total interest paid token amount by borrower/loan to lender | Only private credit assets |
51 | Written Off Principal (Dollar) | Total written off principal token amount for a defaulted loan asset | Only private credit assets |
52 | Recovered Assets (Dollar) | Total recovered token amount for a liquidated loan asset | Only private credit assets |
53 | Cumulative Repaid Principal (Dollar) | total principal paid back in the deal, pool or tranche in tokens | Only private credit assets |
54 | Cumulative Interest Earned (Dollar) | Total interest earned in the deal, pool or tranche in tokens | Only private credit assets |
55 | Outstanding Principal (Dollar) | Total outstanding principal amount in tokens | Only private credit assets |
56 | M2 Money Stock | A measure of the money supply that includes cash, checking deposits, and other types of deposits that are readily convertible to cash such as CDs | Only the USD asset |
57 | Trailing 7-Day Active Addresses (Count) | Number of addresses that have transferred the token in the last 7 days. | All tokens |
58 | Trailing 30-Day Active Addresses (Count) | Number of addresses that have transferred the token in the last 30 days. | All tokens |
59 | Trailing 90-Day Active Addresses (Count) | Number of addresses that have transferred the token in the last 90 days. | Not currently available |
60 | Trailing 365-Day Active Addresses (Count) | Number of addresses that have transferred the token in the last 365 days. | Not currently available |
61 | Circulating Supply (Token) | The supply of a particular token that is in circulation. | All tokens |
62 | Circulating Market Value (Dollar) | The total usd amount of a particular token that is in circulation. | All assets with prices |
63 | Circulating Asset Value (Dollar) | The circulating value of an entity’s assets minus liabilities | All |
64 | Adjusted Holding Addresses (Count) | Count of addresses holding an asset, with adjustments. | All tokens |
65 | Asset Status | Status id of an asset. | Only private credit assets |
66 | Investment Status | Investment Status id for an asset. | Only private credit assets |
67 | Rebase Multiplier | Ratio between a token’s internal share count and external supply/balances | All rebasing tokens |
68 | Raw Supply | Token supply before taking into account any rebases | All tokens |
69 | Bridged Token Supply (Token) | Circulating token supply after taking into account bridging | All tokens |
70 | Bridged Token Market Cap (Dollar) | Circulating token market cap after taking into account bridging | All assets with prices |
71 | Bridged Token Value (Dollar) | Circulating token value after taking into account bridging | All |
72 | Top holder concentration | Percent of circulating supply held by the top holder | All tokens |
73 | Top 5 holder concentration | Percent of circulating supply held by the top 5 holders | All tokens |
74 | Top 10 holder concentration | Percent of circulating supply held by the top 10 holders | All tokens |
1000 | Weekly Transfer Count | Count of transfers (excluding mints and burns) for a given week | All tokens |
1001 | Weekly Transfer Volume (dollar) | Dollar value of transfers (excluding mints and burns) for a given week | All tokens |
1002 | Monthly Transfer Count | Count of transfers (excluding mints and burns) for a given month | All tokens |
1003 | Monthly Transfer Volume (dollar) | Dollar value of transfers (excluding mints and burns) for a given month | All tokens |
1004 | Trailing 7-day Transfer Count | Count of transfers (excluding mints and burns) in the last 7 days | All tokens |
1005 | Trailing 7-day Transfer Volume (dollar) | Dollar value of transfers (excluding mints and burns) in the last 7 days | All tokens |
1006 | Trailing 30-day Transfer Count | Count of transfers (excluding mints and burns) in the last 30 days | All tokens |
1007 | Trailing 30-day Transfer Volume (dollar) | Dollar value of transfers (excluding mints and burns) in the last 30 days | All tokens |