This dataset provides detailed information on the reserves backing tokenized assets. It includes comprehensive data on the types and quantities of assets held in reserve, as well as custodians where the assets are held.
API Endpoints
All available assets:
Individual asset:[assetID]/
Summary Table
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
id | Unique identifier for the asset | Integer | 123456789 |
ticker | Ticker symbol for the asset | String | GOLD |
isin | International Securities Identification Number | String | US1234567890 |
cusip | Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number | String | 123456789 |
name | Name of the asset | String | Gold Fund |
description | Description of the asset | String | Precious metal fund |
website | Website URL for the asset | String | |
asset_class | Asset class details | Object | |
issuer | Issuer details | Object | |
transparency_description | Description of the asset’s transparency | String | Highly transparent |
holder_rights_description | Description of holder rights | String | |
pegged_asset | Pegged asset details | Object | |
asset_to_pegged_asset_ratio | Ratio of asset to pegged asset | Float | |
pegged_maintenance_description | Description of pegged asset maintenance | String | |
total_management_fee_bps | Total management fee in basis points | Integer | 100 |
total_performance_fee_bps | Total performance fee in basis points | Integer | 20 |
fee_structure_description | Description of the fee structure | String | 1% management fee and 20% performance fee |
other_fees_description | Description of other fees | String | 0.5% entry fee |
legal_structure__description | Description of the legal structure | String | Limited Partnership |
legal_structure__country_id | Country ID of the legal structure | Integer | 840 |
legal_structure__country_name | Country name of the legal structure | String | United States of America |
legal_structure__document_name | Name of the legal document | String | Partnership Agreement |
legal_structure__document_description | Description of the legal document | String | Outlines the rights and responsibilities of the partners |
legal_structure__document_url | URL to the legal document | String | |
regulatory_framework | Regulatory framework governing the asset | String | SEC Regulation D |
governing_body | Governing body for the asset | String | U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission |
jurisdiction_country_id | Country ID of the jurisdiction | Integer | 840 |
jurisdiction_country_name | Country name of the jurisdiction | String | United States of America |
management_mechanism_type | Type of management mechanism | String | Active |
pool_holdings_are_all_secured | Indicates if all pool holdings are secured | Boolean | true |
pool_holdings_security_description | Description of the security of pool holdings | String | All holdings are backed by physical gold |
underlying_asset_classes | Underlying asset classes | String[] | ["Equity", "Debt", "Real Estate"] |
protocol_ids | Protocol IDs | Integer[] | |
network_ids | Network IDs | Integer[] | |
token_count | Token count | Integer | |
tokens | Token details | Object[] | |
primary_market | Primary market details | Object | |
jurisdiction_country | Jurisdiction country details | Object | |
traditional_custodian | Primary custodian details for traditional finance assets | Object | |
ratings | Ratings | Object[] | |
bluechip_rating | Rating from Bluechip | String | D |